Bernie Bleske
1 min readMay 14, 2017

Good article, and all very true, if perhaps extremely difficult to pull off in a traditionally structured public high school. (That is to say: mandatory, age grouped, subject specific, rigidly timed, single teacher, closed classroom, ‘career and college’ driven (actually, just college), test and grade centered).

But this sentence confused me: “And if your school is “good” because it doesn’t undo the born-in advantages of its students, it is not “good” at all, but simply a fairly efficient day care operation.” What born-in advantages require undoing? Seems to me, it’s the born-in advantages that we should be placing in ALL schools. I’ve taught in both privileged and less-so schools, and believe me, the privileged schools are not glorified baby-sitting services. Those kids work and are expected to work, to move on to the privileged colleges that they are expected to attend. They are trusted with many many opportunities for success, and most take them.